Friday, October 31, 2008

I like to live on the edge

Tonight, I am in my apartment, eating cookies/chocolate, and watching Sex and the City. I think I've hit a new low, yes?

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I think I legitimately just failed my first college exam. As in, less than 60%.

And I know the rest of the class did fantastically on it - there were kids leaving twenty minutes before the end of session. And there I was, fucked for time because I took too long on the first two questions and had to rush the last three.


Given how my life is going these days, I should petition the Humane Society to just take me out back and shoot me. It's better that way, and sometimes an old dog's gotta be put down.

Me first, please.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You, sir, are brilliant

Walking home, I saw a guy in shorts. It's 35 degrees outside and windy.

I feel no pity.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Now it's a gay blog

There. Enjoy your smut.

I've realized that when someone read's "Gay Blog" there seems to be an unshakable connect drawn between the author and gay porn. For whatever reason, when I try and find some good gay blogs, I usually just find porn.

Even when I find something written by someone who has a vague understanding of grammar, it's still like reading bitchy days of our teenage lives - full of erotica and unnecessary drama.

Thanks, but no thanks. I keep my drama and my "erotica" where it belongs - in the bedroom, in the park, on a desk, in a sling, etc. I was raised a lady... I keep my smut off the web, thank you.

So enjoy this (hopefully) only vulgar image. If you want gay drama or sex, just good "gay blog." It's really all you find online these days.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Drag Update #2

I bought these shoes the other day with two hags. If anything, I needed a big day out with the girls, so as said before, we went to CambridgeSide Galleria to shop.

After drinking everything in the house (and I mean this literally) for a day or two, then supplementing it with eating all the candy and greasy food in the fridge/pantry, I've decided to shop my feelings, instead of eating them.

All this has done, however, is left me drunk, fat, and poor...

... with fabulous shoes on top, however. Never worn a four-inch heel, so much practice is needed so I don't fall off the stage at the Drag Ball in a few weeks.

A new dance group on campus

In case our university having several thousand hip hop dance groups/troupes wasn't enough, there is apparently another.

Sarah and I went looking for a place to practice ballroom, and we a few people already using the space. This motley crew of strange Asians had the good sense to name their organization, the "Asian Hip Hop Dance Team" so as not to confuse people, I guess.

So in that spirit, I am changing my name to "He who does the ballroom a lot."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ballroom success

So after many hours of nerves and long dances around the floor at Harvard, we return with our first first-place win in Waltz/Quickstep.

It's an interesting victory because a year ago at the exact same competition, I danced the same dances and sucked so badly that I almost quit and never ballroom'd again. Much irony to be had, yes?

(( Side note: That's the last time I say, "ballroom'd." A professor called me out on making up words, and I feel bad about it. That also means, "MUN'd," and (dare I say it?) "facebook'd" are no longer acceptable. ))

(( *gratuitous grammar point of the day* ))

Ballroom = win, yes?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holy shit, I'm drunk

And it won't matter to you people because no one reads this fucking blog.

Drag Update #1

Today, I finished mixing a version of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" for the Drag Ball that will be hosted on campus in November. I don't have much time to prepare a performance for the show, and when Halloween rolls around, I won't have ANY time.

I have the dress and the wig ready, and I have the song. All I need is some moves and to decide what make-up to do, and I'm done.

Photos of the hot little 80's dress/thing will be up when I get around to posting them :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

To anyone feeling sad

I have a present for you:

An actual, not doctored photo from the BBC. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Irony, a definition

The most counter-intuitive part of my day... I am writing here on this blog because I don't want to be writing a paper.

Granted, this is a lot more fun as I can say whatever I want to people... but still. Why am I not writing that damn paper?

As a side note, I've decided that the second I finish all this shit for class and have a little free time, I have to get back into Photoshop. I've been using it for Ballroom to make the Montage! poster, and I miss it so. I found this today, which is now my background (get it on InterfaceLift):

Monday, October 13, 2008

When blogs go too far...

I can't believe a blog like this (Garfield minus Garfield). It's either the most brilliant thing ever... or the silliest. Your call. From the site description:

Garfield Minus Garfield is a site dedicated to removing Garfield from the Garfield comic strips in order to reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle. It is a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb.

I suppose that even if it is the tooliest, strangest thing on the internet... the site description alone was enough to make me lawl.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Arena, you hath been slain

The Ballroom Dance team and I cleaned this monolith of an arena tonight... and it was actually fun.

Nothing beats belting out show tunes, rap, and Disney songs for three hours while picking up people's shit. As a side note, I have gained a greater respect for people that clean up for other people every day. And I will definitely be cleaner at theaters, etc. for the rest of my life.

*sigh* Now bed. It is waaaaay too late.

(( I have so much homework - *asdfl;kjasdf;* ))

Friday, October 10, 2008

This trend, I understand it not

... what? Since when did water bottles become so uncool that it's better to carry entire jugs of water around with you everywhere?

This isn't even jocks on the street - I saw a man last weekend in the Copley Square Starbuck's drinking an expensive latte and taking swigs from a Deer Park gallon of water.

I swear, humanity is fighting civility with every fiber of its being.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I just saw a group of girls teaching a freshman boy how to smoke his first cigarette.

*facepalm* Wake me up when humanity actually has a fighting chance, kthnxbai.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Confessions of a lost runner

So those of you who have been following along, I've started going the gym. And it hurts. But at least I have a new toy to keep my mind on other things while I make myself hurt all over (bet you'll never guess what it is).

One of the things I've noticed about my gym excursions is that I'm into the same kinds of things exclusively. Once upon a time, I used to be a runner - cross country, in fact. So where do I end up? On the treadmill. But I never go on the track; in fact, I hate it. I never did track in school, nor do I intend to now.

The treadmill is the closest thing I can find to cross country. Like my days of romping thorough the woods and mud, the treadmill is a long-distance style of running. You can change the speed at will, but mostly you run as a constant pace for a long period of time. The television in front of you ensures that you are always entertained by new images. The machine I use even cheers for me and tells me how much I have left until I'm done - kind of like an electronic fan/spectator in the crowd near the finish line.

It's bad for me, I know - it'll hurt my joints, etc. And it's probably not a good workout to gain muscle mass and core strength for ice skating. But (secretly) I have dreams of grandeur... like running a/the marathon one day.

My Monday/Wednesday/Fridays, however, will have to do until I decide that 30 minutes at the gym has equipped me for a 26 mile run. That's fortunately very, very far off.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My life is complete

NBC announced that they are developing a new spin-off of Will & Grace featuring Jack and Karen - probably the most amazing and welcome news since gays started getting hitched in California. It's as if they took an already God-adjacent show and made it holier. Let the boob and butt jokes begin. Again!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go change my pants.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

BarMUN - still roaring

BarMUN is still butting it's ugly head... and it's awesome.

For the third or fourth night in a row, there are like 10 people in my apartment. The only difference is that there are at least 40 boxes of supplies and stuff that are, literally, taller than I am.

I think my neighbors, who saw us moving everything in, assume we're a student drug cartel or international smugglers.

That would at least be many more times awesome than we actually are.

On my way to class

Come on, people. A fedora? *tsk tsk*