Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blasphemy on Christmas!

I have been an avid-Christmas support for a long while. The only holiday that beats it is Black Friday. I know all the carols and sing them often. So you can see why I was surprised to find a non-secular verse in a Santa-based song:
He doesn't care if you're a rich or poor boy,
He loves you just the same.
Santa knows that we're god's children,
That makes everything right.

Fill your hears with christmas cheer,
'cause santa claus comes tonight.

It's the weirdest mix of the secular and religious that I've ever seen. I'm kind of disconcerted by those lines being there, especially because I didn't notice that they were there for this long. It's like subliminal messaging!

God damn it, Christmas is about consumerism and toys. The holiday should have nothing to do with religion, after all! Leave God out of it for Christ's sake!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Spell-check, people

I've been meaning to put this up for a while. These icons of academic excellence have been popping up all over campus. It's a plague of stupidity, and there is no known cure.

Symptoms: The inability to spell, think, or reason, lazy eye, day-dreaming, foolishness, and outbreaks of hives.

Treatments: Common prescriptions have proven quite ineffective. Subjects can ease their symptoms by infrequently picking up books, spell-checking, etc. Side effects may include unintended infusions of intelligence.

See your doctor immediately if you think you're showing signs of stupidity as it can/should be fatal.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Black Friday" is not PC

One thing I can't stand these days - how everything suddenly exploded with Christmas. I'm not such a huge fan of religion these days (at least not organized), but even I think Christmas is offensive at times. It's getting to the point where stores are just obnoxious.

The only benefit this holiday has for me is that my mother and I observe Black Friday. For those of you that don't know (why don't you?), Black Friday is probably your biggest shopping day of the year. Or it should be. On this day - the Friday after Thanksgiving - stores have huge sales. Doorbusters (meaning sales that start at 3AM or so), clearance sales (50%+ markdown), etc. Shopping is awesome on this day - you should observe it too.

Every year, my mother and I snub other holidays. Halloween is lame, we prefer Korean food on Thanksgiving, and no one really observes the 4th of July or Valentines Day in our house. But on holiday we do well is Black Friday. We like to (cutely?) refer to it as a day-long date.

We usually start off at 12AM at the local outlet mall which opens at midnight, shop there until 9AM, hit the department stores and malls until 2 or 3PM, and do big warehouse stores like Target, Walmart, Kohls, etc. until we get tired (6 or 7PM). It's an intense day of shopping, and we love it. Anywhere from 15-20 hours of work.

It's the only reason I'm going home for the Thanksgiving and not staying in Boston. I love to shop, and my mother and I really bond over the half-off bin at Victoria's Secret.

... and still, every year, she remarks at least once during Black Friday that she has no idea how I became a homosexual. I usually just say "Dunno, mom!"


And for your viewing pleasure - one of few countries to out-Scrooge us with commercialism... hits a snag this year:

Country faces Santa shortage
By Josie Cox Josie Cox – Mon Nov 24, 12:28 pm ET - Yahoo! News
BERLIN (Reuters) – Wanted: Cheerful, chubby men, preferably with fluffy white beards and no criminal record, ready to work hard for one month.

Germany is running out of qualified Santa Clauses and needs to recruit and train them fast, a leading job agency says.

Germans are trying to shut out the financial crisis by taking comfort in traditional festivities, and there is an acute shortage of Santas to entertain children at shopping centers, Christmas markets and private parties.

"Being Santa is not an easy job," Jens Wittenberger, in charge of Santa Claus recruitment at the Jobcafe Munich, told Reuters Monday. "To be honest, not many people have what it takes to be a good Father Christmas."

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Have your cake and eat it, too

Obese have right to 2 airline seats
Thu Nov 20, 2:31 pm ET, Yahoo! News
OTTAWA (Reuters) – Obese people have the right to two seats for the price of one on flights within Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Thursday.

The high court declined to hear an appeal by Canadian airlines of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency that people who are "functionally disabled by obesity" deserve to have two seats for one fare.

So we are now rewarding people for letting themselves go? That'd be like putting free Playstations in prisons because prisoners have the right to a good time.

Simple supply and demand - if two seats are available, and there is the possibility of making twice as much money from two people as they would from one gigantic person... the airline should be able to serve its own interest and make more money.

Plus, they would save the extra fuel cost they now must suffer to service an obese person and the forty-seven Twinkies they have stashed in their carry-on bag.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Awesome -- I'm not kidding - this "Banilla" yogurt by Stonyfield Farm is awesome. Especially with granola. This is a huge amount of awesome in my mouth. Best thing to be in there in a while (giggity).

Go buy it now. Don't question it - just do it.

(( You can tell that I have nothing better going on in my life when I am forced to write about yogurt. Not only that... but I'm making sexual jokes... about yogurt. Ugh! ))

Thank God facebook isn't real

There is definitely shit on some people's facebook that I wouldn't like to see some to life. For example - the people with four thousand applications on their profiles? Don't want to see that.


On another note, I have a "work" session at 5:30 tonight. In reality, it's an excuse for people to consume "beverages" and get work done for our organization in one place. This will either be one giant laugh session or it will be a boring serious time of work only. I'm not sure which... but knowing us, I'm thinking it will be general ridiculousness. Especially under the influence.

Ballroom practice now - so much to do before the Tuft's competition... and none of us are ready. *fail*

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Coming out with a bang

Had I initially thought to incorporate music into my version of this scene, perhaps things would have gone a lot more... terribly, I guess.

But it would've made a good story, yes?

Oh my God, Hell no!

So I got up today, went to class, etc. Nothing interesting there.

When I came home, however, I had the strangest urge to listen to Jesus-music. I'm talking about semi-rock, semi-pop Christian singing, etc. I don't know what provoked it, but I just wanted to hear something comforting.

In the previous days when I was a Christian (even one of those evangelical types), I used to listen to this stuff all the time to feel better. Obviously now, I may not see eye-to-eye with most of what the Church teaches, but I still enjoy the songs. The beats are clean, the words are inspirational, and the ideas are still pure.

So while I don't think Michael W. Smith or Casting Crowns intended for me to use their Jesus-mix to get myself out of a homosexual-funk/mood I've found myself in... by God, they sure as Hell will now!

I also put the music back on my iPod - I think that's some sort of a sign or something. I can tell you, though, that the last place anyone should expect to find me is in a church.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A comment on perfectionism

As this is a math lab assignment, I shall present the following.
Point efficiencyStudent = points assignment is worth/time to complete

So by simple analysis of my current situation versus the likely work habits of the other students in MA226 (Differential Equations), we get the following:
Point efficiencyThem = twenty points/two hours = ten points per hour
Point efficiencyMe = twenty points/ten hours = two points per hour

Conclusion: I am spending too much time on this lab.
Sub-conclusion: This is a direct attempt to throw myself into my work.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A rock and an unsure place

This emo post is brought to you, in part, by Viewers like You. Thank you.

So I find myself in an interesting situation. On the one hand, I've been trying to go on dates again and try to make the best of a bad situation following my break-up with the Ex. On the other hand, there are some individuals (namely the Ex) who don't agree with that method. While I would tell any other queen who criticized me to fuck off, I can't because the Ex is actually someone whose opinion I respect. Plus, he's probably right.

My problem now is trying to communicate to the Ex that I am still waiting for him to make his move. What he can't understand is just how unsatisfying these dates with other men have been. After a spectacular relationship (up until its rough ending), I'm looking for a connection as profound as the one we had. If I'm lucky, I'll eventually find half such a "spark."

Despite how hard these other guys try and all the encouragement from my friends (especially A, who is all-in-favor of it), whenever I'm on dates with other people, I grow increasingly aware of how unlike the Ex they really are. And as such, they are immediately inferior.

So here's the rub - everyone is telling me that I should go out and date again to try to get over him (which I apparently am not), while I know myself that I should wait for him in the off-chance that we can patch this up.

It's a fight between the rational and the romantic. Despite how much I fucked up and how much I'm sure it's killing him... I am still holding out for the small, small chance that he'll forgive and come back to me.


Update: I canceled my date with Emerson-boy. And I'm going to let B go now. I just... can't give them all the attention that a normal date would deserve.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Eureka! I've got it!

Breaking News: The New York Times is reporting that Gay rights activists used the internet to organize their rallies this past weekend against Proposition 8.

Well... yeah. So?

If this blog and the many like it have taught you anything... know that we, as a community, do know how to use email and check blogs. I'm almost offended at how the article was written - as if we homos got up one day and the internet suddenly made complete sense to us.


Disorderly eating?

I think I have a problem with eating (don't read as "eating disorder"). To be clear from the beginning, I absolutely love food. Love it, love it, love it. Food and me get along well together.

During the week, however, I just... don't eat. It's not that I don't want to. I just forget. On a day like today, between getting up right before class, being in class, and doing homework later, it's no wonder that I could easily get up tomorrow and remember that I haven't eaten since Sunday.

*ick* My body must be so confused. I keep alternating between binge-eating my emotions and starving myself accidentally for days.

Can't be healthy - I think I'm going to go eat a cracker or two. Perhaps a little water.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A comment on reputation

Another wise blogger, Sean, who I won't directly link for his privacy has been writing lately about reputation and notoriety, especially on a college campus. I can respect his opinion most because I think he's one of the few people on campus with as bad a reputation as mine.

I think we do have a very subtle difference between the two of us - his is mostly undeserved (mostly, at least), while mine is pretty much very accurate. The things I hear about me from word of mouth suck and make me feel pretty low... but you know what? They are 100% true.

It seems that in my first year or so at school, I have made a very not-so-good name for myself. The token gay, the well-known slut, and the pretentious douche. While I hate these titles (or any version of them), I can't rebel against them so much because they are mostly accurate.


So I'm going to jump the gun on New Year's this time with a resolution: Fix yourself up.

My name isn't worth much these days because of what I've done in the past, but we're going to turn that around. My in the past month have been so reckless and cavalier that I don't even recognize myself anymore.

Turning over a new leaf starts... now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Connect in Connecticut

Gay Marriages Begin in Connecticut -- LISA W. FODERARO
November 12, 2008, NYTimes

Marriages began today in Connecticut, and good for them! It's interesting to see the difference in events this week. CT gets more rights... and CA doesn't.

Side note: I'm thinking about going to a protest at Boston City Hall this Saturday at 1:30 to protest Proposition 8. Part of me says that it's good to show solidarity and political activism - plus, there are nearly 4,000 people that are already going (on facebook, meaning 5 will actually show up).

On the other hand, does voicing an opinion in the only state to offer same-sex marriage help at all 3,000 miles away? Not sure...

... if I can find someone to go with (meaning not by myself), I will definitely go. At least for a while.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Because the 70's were ideal

Intermediate Gay -- Now that you've been out in the world for a while, it's time to learn about a little gay history. You know about Prop 8/Hate, etc... now how about something from the past?

If you thought that things have been swimmingly good since Stonewall, you would be wrong, silly. So if you are in a city/state that is liberal enough to even be showing this movie in your local theaters (so if you live on either coast), then you shouldn't miss it.

Learn it - gay culture is nothing without her history.

Coming December 5.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dear God

To whom it may concern,

Your followers, seriously, need to back the fuck off. They are starting to piss the rest of us off.

The rest of us

P.s. Tell them that people are more willing to listen to their fanciful stories of ridiculousness if they didn't belligerently offend us to our faces, criticize every facet of our being, and then expect us to pay them close attention.

P.p.s. Remind them to stop showing us all our faithful they are. If they're going to be religious, there is a fine line between being proud and being boastful.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hail the Queen

Her Majesty, Hope Lincoln, rises again! And look at that fucking dress. (Side note for next time: bring a coat for the walk home).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Roach-hell

I'm sitting in my linear algebra class in the basement of the math-science building(s) on campus. Bored and sleepy, I'm staring around for something to look at. And guess what delectable little morsel I find?

Yes... a huge cockroach. The photo doesn't do this thing justice - you would think things like this would be fucking extinct. It was like the Godfather of roaches. Biggest little fucker I've ever seen.

I don't know how I feel about spending so much time in an environment that even cockroaches can't survive.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Wizard of the Wtf?

I met another child today that had never seen The Wizard of Oz.

Really, people? Really? That makes him the third gay I know that has never seen that movie. Between Judy Garland and the oddly homosexual tin-man, I'm surprised at you people.

I think it says something about our generation when we know more lines/songs from Wicked (which I have seen) than this 1939 classic. Get it straight, kids: sometimes gay-culture > pop culture.

Go out, right now, and rent/buy/worship this movie.

Seriously... why the fuck are you still reading this post. Get off your asses and go to the video store. *face-to-desk*

Random bit of trivia: For those good-gays that have seen it already and don't need to go buy a copy of the movie, did you know that the horses in Emerald City palace were painted with Jell-O powder? They had to shoot the scenes quickly before the color got licked off.

Other bits of trivia: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was almost cut from the movie, even though it's an unofficial gay national anthem today. And the dog, Toto, was paid nearly twice as much as the munchkin actors.

More here: Read and be enriched.

Prop. 8

While the boozing continues in celebration of President Obama's victory continues, California isn't looking so good.

Morning Update: As of 10:30AM, 95% of the districts have reported in. 52% to 48%. The fight has been lost - gay marriage is once again banned in California.

On this time, it's in the Constitution, and we're fucked. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I love hearing Asian people go by discussing the "election"... but with their accents.

Tonight, I'm watching what?

I'm keeping my eye on the polls all night, but I'm only watching three things:
1. what happens in Virginia,
2. the New Hampshire Senator race, and
3. which gay marriage bans pass.
Shaheen and Sununu have been cat-fighting in NH since the summer. I don't think I've seen a single non-negative advertisment from either.

I also think Missouri is going to be the Florida/Ohio of 2008. Just a feeling I have. As far as the election, though, Obama doesn't stand a chance at losing short of a divine miracle from on high.

(( Side note: Apparently Ar's friends are going to be at the election party I'm going to tonight, which will be awkward by default. ... shit. ))

(( Pre-results predictions: Arizona will ban gay marriage while California and Florida won't. Jeanne Shaheen will beat John Sununu, and Virginia will go blue by a slim margin. ))