Monday, April 20, 2009

Marathon Madness

Once upon a time, the fates got together and conspired to make a special day. This day is April 20th, which this year happened to fall on a Monday. And not just any Monday... but Marathon Monday.

For those of you who do not (or have never) lived in the Greater Boston area, this is the day of the Boston Marathon. While some athletes work toward this moment their entire lives... the rest of us use this as an excuse to drink and party. The day is even called "Patriot's Day," but no one observes April 20th for that purpose.

This year, we have the distinct pleasure of not only dealing with hundreds of thousands of belligerent drunks, but also pot-heads as 4/20 is pretty much their holy day. Throw skinheads (today is Hitler's birthday) and psychos (today is also the Columbine anniversary), and you have a full cast of shenanigans just itching to happen.

I want to point out that I am lame. While festivities were raging, I was sitting around sober. I'm also in our school's computer lab doing homework now... at 6:20 in the afternoon.

Happy Marathon Monday, world.