Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bad blogger!

Bad blogger - noun - a person who starts a website, finds all this nice stuff for it (domains, images, etc.), and then neglects it like an unwanted child.

See: Me

Apologies on that. I've been trying to figure out just what I want to use this site for, and I think I have changed my original plan to a simple account of my life. It's going to be hard to balance documentation of my exploits with the escapades themselves, but G-d damn, I'm going to try!

Note: If I die sometime again soon, it's probably because I stepped in a puddle in Allston tonight after I got back from dinner with Ryan. I'm 99% sure I got hepatitis from it... which is great because we spend all this time and money protecting ourselves everywhere else. Who knew there were puddles of it just waiting to be stepped in?

Liquid-AIDS - fun!

So yes, if I disappear, it's because I'm dead. Otherwise, I will be around again to entertain you with thoughts of a nerdy math majors life.

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