Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blasphemy on Christmas!

I have been an avid-Christmas support for a long while. The only holiday that beats it is Black Friday. I know all the carols and sing them often. So you can see why I was surprised to find a non-secular verse in a Santa-based song:
He doesn't care if you're a rich or poor boy,
He loves you just the same.
Santa knows that we're god's children,
That makes everything right.

Fill your hears with christmas cheer,
'cause santa claus comes tonight.

It's the weirdest mix of the secular and religious that I've ever seen. I'm kind of disconcerted by those lines being there, especially because I didn't notice that they were there for this long. It's like subliminal messaging!

God damn it, Christmas is about consumerism and toys. The holiday should have nothing to do with religion, after all! Leave God out of it for Christ's sake!

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