Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tonight, I'm watching what?

I'm keeping my eye on the polls all night, but I'm only watching three things:
1. what happens in Virginia,
2. the New Hampshire Senator race, and
3. which gay marriage bans pass.
Shaheen and Sununu have been cat-fighting in NH since the summer. I don't think I've seen a single non-negative advertisment from either.

I also think Missouri is going to be the Florida/Ohio of 2008. Just a feeling I have. As far as the election, though, Obama doesn't stand a chance at losing short of a divine miracle from on high.

(( Side note: Apparently Ar's friends are going to be at the election party I'm going to tonight, which will be awkward by default. ... shit. ))

(( Pre-results predictions: Arizona will ban gay marriage while California and Florida won't. Jeanne Shaheen will beat John Sununu, and Virginia will go blue by a slim margin. ))

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