Friday, February 13, 2009

Fightin' over little ol' me?

Actually, the title of this blog is a complete misnomer. To assume that these two people are fighting over me gives me just a bit too much credit - even I'm not that self-involved. And trust me... I'm pretty bad at that. I have 250 people that read about the minute details of my life daily, after all.

*Ego swells with blood*

Anyway, I didn't know it, but when Rainman said he's pissed that Wren for starting to date me... he actually meant it. He legitimately was/is/will be pissed about this for a while. I didn't find out about it until I saw the text conversation between them - there were some pretty vicious words flying around.

Not lady gay-like language, at all.

On the one hand, I totally get it. It is a little weird because Wren and Rainman have been friends for a while; we all met at a capture-the-flag/fag game a year ago right when Rainman and I first started dating. On the other hand, I didn't know that Rainman's "restrictions" were actually serious. By now he's forbidden me from getting with any of his gay friends or acquaintances, which pretty much leaves me with the World of Warcraft-gays, the slobby disgusting pseudo-straight gays, and women.

I'm sure he'll forgive Wren eventually; I don't even think Rainman's "beef" is with me. By that same token, had I known that he would get this upset, I probably would have avoided anything with Wren. (That's a total lie - Wren is conversational and funny as hell... my two weaknesses).

For this moment, at least, I'm going to let my imagination get the best of me. In fact, I'm going to indulge in it.

In my mind, they are having an honor fight in my name. I hope it turns into a fight to the death. Nothing like seeing a skinny white boy from Connecticut battle it out with an even skinnier Mexican boy from El Paso.


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