Monday, February 9, 2009

The right to remain silent

I have written on this before, perhaps, but I want to highlight it again: I can't stand when certain people talk to you. As I just got a haircut, the theme of my frustration is barbershops.

On the one hand, I get it. They must be lonely. Working all day, cutting people's hair. Plus, they probably assume that we, the customers, are looking for that fifteen minutes of riveting conversation with a stranger we probably won't remember in ten minutes.

On the other hand, I have definitely had the same barber three or four times in a row, and they ask the same questions every time. Conclusion? They aren't really listening - they are talking to fill gaps of blissful, otherwise wonderful silence.

Thankfully, I know who to get. The shop I go to has two barbers that I will work with and two I will not. I cleverly work my way around the two chatterboxes to get to these other two, less-known stylists.

They're both foreign, and they don't speak English. The way God intended it.


Anonymous said...

So true about wanting a silent haircut...thanks for the laugh I needed one!

Mr. Know-It-All said...

You're welcome - everyone needs a laugh once in a while. A genuine one, that is... not the lame ones I often give to these "conversational" people when they make bad jokes.

P.s. Just earlier tonight, I went to CVS... and got asked what my major was.

P.p.s. I was buying condoms - not sure how it came up.