Saturday, February 14, 2009

These are my confessions

Today, Wren and I are going to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. On the surface, looks like a deliciously bad movie that makes you happy because... it's so bad. We'll also probably be the only men in there other than the straight ones who get dragged there by their girlfriends.

I order you all to see it as well so that you can come back here and tell me what you thought about it. We'll make it a race.

Extra points to whoever spots Isla Fisher's camel-toe first!

Update on the Rainman thing. It's dull and depressing - don't read it!

You bitch! You fucking opened the can of worms! Well I hope you're sitting down because (as Kathy would say), we got a lot of shit to cover:

So I got a number of very good emails from him yesterday - all of which insulting to the nth degree. He was kind enough to clarify a few things for me:
  • When he said I was emotionally undeveloped, he meant that I could never understand, and that I am not emotionally capable of loving someone without cheating on him (ouch).

  • When he said he was angry at Wren, not me, he meant that I wasn't to blame because he expected such a thing from a whore like me.

  • When he said he expected it from me, he meant that he thinks all I ever care about is getting an orgasm wherever and whenever I can.

You can't make this shit up - you want the emails? I think I'll post them later today or tomorrow. These are... priceless.

I sent him back a quick email in return. I don't know where the old Rainman went, but this is not him. The old Rainman would never say such things to anyone, let alone someone he purports to still love. He chastised me about blocking him on facebook, etc... but really, how couldn't I?

I don't want to know this new Rainman - he scares me. He's taken over. I don't like him. And I will never want this new "thing" back. When old Rainman inhabits his body again, then we'll talk.

Now we're in a Cold War similar to Wren-versus-Rainman's. I refuse to speak to him first. Given the things he said to me, I think an apology is in order first. Until then, I will not speak to him.

If my mother taught me anything, it's bitchiness. She never spoke first after we fought, and I will do the same. I will not budge on this. Not after what he said.

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