Monday, February 2, 2009

Why so sleepy?

So my schedule is essentially noon-classes. Every day... five days a week. Believe me; it's awesome. You should be insanely jealous.

For that reason, and because I'm a math major, I only ever sleep at 3AM. If that. So you can understand, having stayed up late drinking all the wine in the apartment, doing math HW, and listening to my "mood" playlist, why I'm so surprised to be awake at 9:20-ish in the morning.

I usually stumble out of bed at about 11:20AM and run to class. I might have a bagel today... and other such breakfast items. What a treat!

Unfortunately, I don't really know what to do with my time. In my head, homework is a 1AM activity. I might have to break my own rules here and... do it. *shiver* How scandalous.

I'll get over it.


Bitter Bitches said...

I am insanely jealous. Would swop routines with you anyday, minus being the maths major part ;-)

Mr. Know-It-All said...

Oh come on! That's the best part!