Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stumbled Upon, Part I

So I've been using StumbleUpon.com as my remedy to the disease that is productivity.

I am starting this new series to share with you some of the worst things that I've "stumbled upon" during the many hours I surf around the internet. I insist that you go to that website now and start falling around the internet, just like me.

Here we go - this seemed "appropriate" to start with:

How. Freaking. Disturbing.

I am so creeped out by that; as an Asian I can say this with documented evidence: Asian people are f'cking weird.


Mel said...

WTH? That is the most seriously disturbing thing I have seen in a bloody long time!!

OLD said...

I know. Oh... my... God. I kind of need a shower now.