Monday, February 23, 2009

A tool grows in Brooklyn

My roommate is phail. He's in our business school, and he's a complete and utter tool.
To add insult to injury, he is the least self-aware person I know.

I realize this every afternoon when I get back from class. He listens to über-ghetto, hardcore rap that he knows less than half the words of... and tries to sing along in his tone-deaf, milk-toast white voice.

Note: He's an extreme conversative. I.e. He's a minority-hating, baby-killing, ghetto-abhoring, poverty-indifferent toolbox who speaks in ebonics and literally calls himself "gangsta'."


P.s. Rainman and I have begun speaking again. While still awkward, I think it's slowly on the road to recovery. Ever so slowly.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

hahaha that tea crap drink is as horrible as the rap!