Monday, January 5, 2009

Fucking friends

God, Sean is pissing me off.

For someone that has spent so much time supposedly (his words, not mine) trying to move past the fact that we used to hook up, he has a funny way of getting ticked off about it still.

I've gotten the vibe from him that we can't ever be friends - he's cold when we talk online, he was cold when we went to the club, and he was cold when we were at his house/in my car. He's just... cold.

I guess he doesn't want to know me anymore. So I suppose fine - I won't push it. I'll give him three days to change his fucking attitude, and then I'm unfriending him on facebook and removing his screenname from my buddy list.

I don't need to deal with people's shit, especially when I'm making an effort to be his bud.

Sex isn't supposed to ruin everything, tard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, i'm way over the fact that we used to hook up but i always get the impression that you think you hold some power over me. your constant "advice" about my relationship or people i might be into pisses me off. when i tried seeing if you were alright after you broke up with "rainman", you tried to drag me down with you.

it's hard to be friends when you're equally as "cold"

i don't know why you think i was cold at the club though. i didn't do anything. and i wasn't dancing around you cause i didn't want guys thinking they couldn't get to you. geez.