Monday, January 5, 2009

The results

Never in my life have I been conscious of the fact that someone is in many ways out of my league.

Numbers, the boy I met at Town on Friday night and went on a date-type thing today, had the amazing ability to be a superior human being while not making me feel bad about it. I am sure, however, that guys like this were put on Earth to make the rest of us feel bad about ourselves.

First, he was gorgeous. I could probably bounce quarters off his chest if I actually still carried coins (who does these days?). The man also had a flawless smile.

In spite of his being a North Carolinian, he had the Southern boy look (delicious) without the Southern twang in his English. Huge plus. And as a second-year grad student at Johns Hopkins, he was very intelligent. We sat in a tea shop in Dupont Circle called, "Teaism." Nice place - he paid before I could stop him.

There, I learned that he not only speaks three languages (French - awesome - Spanish, and Mandarin), but he has also lived in many different countries. And he was in the Peace Corps. And he's taking the Foreign Service Exam.

I'm left with only one question: why does he exist? Why did I have to meet him? Seriously? Humans like this put before me because the Universe has a cruel sense of humor. We have this terribly amazing chemistry, and he's obviously a first-class person in brains and looks. He can hold hours of conversation with ease.

Real issues: He's in Washington, and I'm in Boston. He mentioned not being ready to date people either.

Final verdict: Awesome guy. Amazing and perfect in every way. And a rare conversational-intelligent-hot combination.

Seeing him again on Friday - I must not let myself actually start to like the guy. He's far away, older, and isn't really looking for anything serious. Must remain blissfully chill and calm in the presence of perfection.


Mac Callister said...

i must meet that guy too!!Kidding hehe

Mr. Know-It-All said...

Thou shalt not steal! It's the first rule in the Big-Gay-Book-of-Rules.